Michael is humble, so it takes some getting to know time to realize just how cool he is. For example, I recently learned that he toured with bands for years as support staff, including Stereolab for 6 of them. These tours have taken him all over the world, and his network of friends is global. He still loves to travel with his wife Jane and his 2 teenagers (all of which are just as cool). They recently returned from a trip to Europe, and he gave me some tips on where to stay in Greece. Michael works now as a Nurse Manager at St. Lukes, and rides his bike to work every day.

The project I did at his house was one of those horror stories, where it snowballed into a much larger project. When I discovered an old septic tank under the concrete floor in his basement, he was more calm about the stinky discovery than me! Where many people would have (justifiably) freaked out, he simply re-stated that he chose me for the job because he trusted I’d do the best I could. Thank you Michael for your trust and confidence!

Posted in News by developer June 28, 2023

Author: developer

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